We would like to acknowledge our generous sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible and free of charge to participants.
A special thank you to Dean Michael Latham, and his office, Fordham College at Rose Hill, as well as the Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities Group and Fordham University for hosting and providing significant funding for this event. We would also like to thank the Graduate Center and other CUNY organizations that devoted time, energy, and resources in support of THATcamp Digital Writing, especially Dr. Steve Brier and the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Program, as well as Dr. Matthew K. Gold and the Graduate Center Digital Initiatives.
The members of the CUNY-wide Composition and Rhetoric group organized the Mina Shaughnessy event Friday night, and we would like to recognize the team at John Jay College for hosting the event’s featured speakers, Dr. Matthew K. Gold (CUNY) and Dr. Jim Brown (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
We would also like to acknowledge our volunteers: Mikayla Zagoria-Moffet designed our bookmarks (printed by City Tech Open Lab) and screen cloths (printed by Motivators.com), and Kristen Mapes is organizing and facilitating the Maker Challenge sessions.
We are very grateful to be a part of this wonderful community.