We’ve done enough talking. Let’s make something.
Enter THATCamp Digital Writing’s Maker Challenge. (Never heard of a Maker Challenge? Check out THATCampCHNM.)
What You (or a Group) Will Do (and maybe win a prize):
You (or a group) will make something (a plugin, an app, a document, a website, a Twitterbot, an ebook, an Omeka.net archive, a Zotero bibliography, a Wikipedia page, even a project plan or a PowerPoint presentation or what you will).
You (or a group) will post a link to and description of your project in a blog post on this site and categorize it under “Maker Challenge” (the category exists already).
You (or a group) will show what you’ve done in 3 minutes or less than 5 minutes or more on Saturday, May 3 at the last session (details will be coming soon). If you have already left, this session’s moderator will present it for you.
Anyone with a THATCamp account can vote for your project by logging in to THATCampDigitalWriting, then navigating to the blog post for your project and clicking “Favorite.” Voting will be open until the end of project presentations on Saturday, May 3.
Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 projects. (Prizes will be $30 gift certificates to Best Buy, itunes, Amazon)
1) Only people who have registered for (and checked in at) THATCamp Digital Writing 2014 are eligible to collect prizes.
2) “Projects” will be defined with exceeding looseness, but the project should be new — it should not have existed before THATCamp Digital Writing.
3) Pairs and groups are more than welcome to work on projects together, and advice and help from anyone is perfectly fine, but each prize can only be given to one person. Teams should appoint a “captain” to receive the prize; it is up to the members of a team to divvy up the pride and prize.
4) In the event of an alien landing, a tech error, or a tie, Kristen Mapes will serve as final administrative word.
(Wording for the Maker Challenge is modified from THATCamp CHNM Maker Challenge page, which is governed by a CC license.)
Have questions? Feel free to contact Kristen Mapes (kmapes[at]fordham[dot]edu or @kmapesy on Twitter)!